Fall 2014

World Trigger

Toei Animation
21 episodes · Anime Abandonat World Trigger, World Trigger, , ワールドトリガー

C�nd o poart? c?tre o alt? lume se deschide brusc pe P?m�nt, Mikado City este invadat de creaturi ciudate cunoscute sub numele de �Vecini�, fiin?e r?uvoitoare, impermeabile la armele tradi?ionale. Ca r?spuns la sosirea lor, a fost �nfiin?at? o organiza?ie numit? Agen?ia de Ap?rare a Frontierei pentru a combate amenin?area vecinului prin intermediul unor arme speciale numite �declan?atoare�. Chiar dac? au c�?iva ani de la prima deschidere a por?ii, Vecinii sunt �nc? o amenin?are, iar membrii Border trecut de paz? pentru a asigura siguran?a planetei. �n ciuda acestei situa?ii delicate, membrii �n curs de formare, cum ar fi Osamu Mikumo, nu au voie s?-?i foloseasc? Trigger-urile �n afara sediului. Dar c�nd noul elev misterios din clasa sa este t�r�t �ntr-o zon? interzis? de b?t?u?i, ace?tia sunt ataca?i de vecini, iar Osamu nu are de ales dec�t s? fac? ceea ce crede c? este corect. Spre surprinderea lui, totu?i, studentul de transfer Yuuma Kuga lucreaz? scurt cu extratere?trii, dezv?luind c? este un vecin umanoid deghizat. [Scris de MAL Rewrite]

Log Horizon 2nd Season

Studio Deen
25 episodes · Anime Complet Log Horizon Second Season, Log Horizon Dai 2 Series, Log Horizon 2nd Season, Log Horizon 2, ???????? ?2????

Dup? ce au fost prin?i �n lumea Elder Tale timp de ?ase luni, Shiroe ?i ceilal?i Aventurieri au �nceput s? �n?eleag? lucrurile �n noul lor mediu. Aventuri s? c�?tige �ncrederea Oamenilor ??rii, iar Akiba a �nflorit datorit? legii ?i ordinii stabilitate de Alian?a Masei Rotunde a lui Shiroe, rec�?tig�ndu-?i vitalitatea de zi cu zi. �n ciuda acestui succes, Alian?a se confrunt? cu o nou? criz?: ei r?m�n f?r? fonduri pentru a guverna Akiba, iar spionii din districtul Minami s-au infiltrat �n ora?. Pe m?sur? ce for?e formidabile se ridic? �n alte districte, este, de asemenea, nevoia de a descoperi mai multe despre vasta lume nou? �n care sunt prin?i, ceea ce o face pe Shiroe s? decid? c? a sosit momentul s? se aventureze �n afara ora?ului. �nso?it de prietenul s?u Naotsugu ?i de �n?eleptul Lacului Oglind? Regan, calculatorul Shiroe face mi?carea, sper�nd s? dezv?luie noi posibilit??i ?i, �n cele din urm?, s? g?seasc? o cale spre cas?. [Scris de MAL Rewrite]

Nanatsu no Taizai

A-1 Pictures
24 episodes · Anime Complet Nanatsu no Taizai, The Seven Deadly Sins, ?????

�ntr-o lume similar? cu Evul Mediu european, temu?ii, dar venera?ii Cavaleri Sfin?i ai Britanniei, folosesc o magie extrem de puternic? pentru a proteja regiunea Britannia ?i regatele sale. Cu toate acestea, un mic subgrup de Cavaleri ?i-au tr?dat patria ?i ?i-au �ntors lamele �mpotriva camarazilor lor �n �ncercarea de a-l r?sturna pe conduc?torul lui Liones. Au fost �nvin?i de Sfin?ii Cavaleri, dar au continuat s? existe zvonuri c? ace?ti cavaleri legendari, numi?i �Cei ?apte p?cate capitale�, ar fi �nc? �n via??. Zece ani mai t�rziu, Sfin?ii Cavaleri �n?i?i au dat o lovitur? de stat ?i au devenit astfel noi conduc?tori tiranici ai Regatului Lions.nnBazat pe cel mai bine v�ndut serial manga cu acela?i nume, Nanatsu no Taizai urm?re?te aventurile Elisabetei. , a treia prin?es? a Regatului Lions ?i c?utarea ei pentru cele ?apte p?cate capitale. Cu ajutorul lor, ea se str?duie?te nu numai s?-?i �napoi regatul de la Sfin?ii Cavaleri, ci ?i s? caute dreptate �ntr-o lume nedreapt?.n n[Scris de MAL Rewrite]

Akatsuki no Yona

21 episodes · Anime Complet Yona: The girl standing in the blush of dawn, Akatsuki no Yona, Yona of the Dawn, ????

The kingdom of Kouka is blessed with a beautiful princess whose childlike innocence charms all who come across her. Named Yona, she has grown up sheltered in the royal palace, shielded from any danger that may befall her. However, all good things must come to an end.nnYona\'s perfect world comes crashing down when a heinous act of treason threatens to erase all that she holds dear, including her birthright as the princess of Kouka. Left with no one to trust but her childhood friend and loyal bodyguard Son Hak, she is forced to flee the palace. Faced with the perils of surviving in the wild with a target on her back, Yona realizes that her kingdom is no longer the safe haven it once was.nnFree from the shackles of naivety, Yona vows to do everything in her power to become strong enough to crush her enemies. With Hak by her side, she must piece together the remains of an ancient legend that might be the key to reclaiming her kingdom from those who conspired to steal it from her.nn[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu

24 episodes · Anime Complet Parasite, Parasitic Beasts, Parasyte, Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu, Parasyte: The Maxim, ??? ?????

All of a sudden, they arrived: parasitic aliens that descended upon Earth and quickly infiltrated humanity by burrowing into the brains of vulnerable targets. These insatiable beings acquire full control of their host and are able to morph into a variety of forms in order to feed on unsuspecting prey.n nSixteen-year-old high school student Shinichi Izumi falls victim to one of these parasites, but it fails to take over his brain, ending up in his right hand instead. Unable to relocate, the parasite, now named Migi, has no choice but to rely on Shinichi in order to stay alive. Thus, the pair is forced into an uneasy coexistence and must defend themselves from hostile parasites that hope to eradicate this new threat to their species.nn[Written by MAL Rewrite]