Summer 2019

Vinland Saga

Wit Studio
24 episodes · Anime Complet Vinland Saga, , ヴィンランド・サガ

T�n?rul Thorfinn a crescut ascult�nd pove?tile b?tr�nilor marinari care au c?l?torit pe ocean ?i au ajuns la locul legendar, Vinland. Se spune c? este cald ?i fertil, un loc �n care nu ar fi nevoie de lupt? � deloc ca s?tul �nghe?at din Islanda �n care s-a n?scut ?i, cu siguran??, nu-i loc via?a actual? de mercenar. R?zboiul este casa lui acum. De?i tat?l s?u i-a spus odat?: �Tu nu ai du?mani, nimeni nu are. Nu exist? nimeni pe care s?-l r?neasc?�, pe m?sur? ce cre?te, Thorfinn ?tia c? nimic nu este mai departe de adev?r. R?zboiul dintre Anglia ?i danezi se �nr?ut??e?te cu fiecare an care trece. Moartea a devenit obi?nuit?, iar mercenarii vikingi iubesc fiecare moment al ei. Alian?a cu ambele p?r?i va provoca schimbarea masiv? a balan?ei puterii, iar vikingii sunt ferici?i s?-?i fac? nume ?i s? ia orice prad? pe care s? le c�?tige pe parcurs. Printre haos, Thorfinn trebuie s? se r?zbune ?i s?-l omoare pe Askeladd, b?rbatul care ?i-a ucis tat?l. Singurul paradis pentru vikingi, se pare, este epoca r?zboiului ?i a mor?ii care continu?. [Scris de MAL Rewrite]

Dr. Stone

TMS Entertainment
10 episodes · Anime Abandonat Dr. Stone, Dr. Stone, ????????

After five years of harboring unspoken feelings, high-schooler Taiju Ooki is finally ready to confess his love to Yuzuriha Ogawa. Just when Taiju begins his confession however, a blinding green light strikes the Earth and petrifies mankind around the world�turning every single human into stone.nnSeveral millennia later, Taiju awakens to find the modern world completely nonexistent, as nature has flourished in the years humanity stood still. Among a stone world of statues, Taiju encounters one other living human: his science-loving friend Senkuu, who has been active for a few months. Taiju learns that Senkuu has developed a grand scheme�to launch the complete revival of civilization with science. Taiju\'s brawn and Senkuu\'s brains combine to forge a formidable partnership, and they soon uncover a method to revive those petrified.nnHowever, Senkuu\'s master plan is threatened when his ideologies are challenged by those who awaken. All the while, the reason for mankind\'s petrification remains unknown.nn[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Maou-sama, Retry!

? episodes · Anime În curând Maou-sama, Retry!, Demon Lord, Retry!, ?????????

Akira Oono is an ordinary working adult who manages the MMORPG Infinity Game. Fifteen years after creating the game, Oono decides to shut the servers down once and for all. However, as the clock strikes midnight, he somehow finds himself in the body of middle-aged Hakuto Kunai, Infinity Game\'s Demon Lord!nnSoon after his mysterious transportation, he witnesses the demon Greole chasing after a little girl named Aku. Although he effortlessly dispatches the creature, Hakuto is still concerned; after all, he does not remember creating the girl or the demon! Doubting whether he truly is in the world of his creation, Hakuto decides to investigate. Bringing Aku along as his guide and companion, Hakuto sets out on a journey to find out exactly who or what summoned him to this fantasy world�all while leaving chaos and destruction in his wake.nn[Written by MAL Rewrite]